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passive investing in commercial real estate

Learn how almost anyone can use the structure of the commercial real estate participation deal to create a reliable passive income stream  so you can live the life you’re meant to live – now.

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Robert G. Allen is one of the most influential investment advisors of all time and has authored several bestselling personal finance books including Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One-Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth (coauthored with Mark Victor Hansen), and Cash in a Flash: Fast Money in Slow Times (also coauthored with Mark Victor Hansen).

“Time for you, the aspiring passive investor to sit back, relax, and enjoy a masterclass taught by one of the sharpest investors I’ve yet to meet.”

Portfolio Across Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, And Houston
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"Passive Investing In Commercial Real Estate: Insider Secrets To Achieving Financial Independence" Is A Shortcut…..

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here's what our students are saying

“100% Prepared For the Real Estate Market Cycles With James” – Ronny Philip: CEO and Founder at The Kingly Group

“Now I truly Understand How a Deal works and How to Make a Deal Work” – Issac Mathai: Owner of Hidden Creek

“Now I Truly Understand How A Deal Works And How To Make A Deal Work”

Issac Mathai: Owner of Hidden Creek

“I Have Been Through Many Training Programs Before But James Is Different”

Carey Rouse: Realtor at Supreme 1 Realty

I’m Impressed With What James Has Done And What He Is Doing For Others”

Wayne Courreges: CREI Partners




With Real Estate Market Cycle Expert Dr. Glenn Mueller And CRE Best-selling Author James Kandasamy

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Achieve Academy is SOLD OUT for April 9th.
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