As An Exciting Bonus When You Join The Mastermind Will Gain Access To The Exact Tools, Strategies, Templates, And Case Studies Our Students Use To Find More Profitable Deals (Like Literally Going From 0 To 100 Units In A Few Months), Generate Massive Returns – A Value Of $15,990
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Here’s what Robert Allen, one of the most influential investment advisors of all time Is saying about the Master class…
Robert G. Allen, author of Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One-Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth, and Cash in a Flash: Fast Money in Slow Times
“Now I truly Understand How a Deal works and How to Make a Deal Work” – Issac Mathai: Owner of Hidden Creek
“I have been through many training programs before but James is different” – Carey Rouse: Realtor at Supreme 1 Realty
I’m impressed with what James has done and what he is doing for others! – Wayne Courreges: CREI Partners
James Kandasamy is the best-selling author of “Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate: Insider Secrets To Achieving Financial Independence”.
I wasn’t always a millionaire. It took years of learning in order to enjoy the financial rewards of earning income by pooling together funds with other investors, finding the right deals, and learning how to maximize returns. My multifamily investment company (Achieve Investment Group) currently owns roughly 4,000 units with over $500 million dollars in assets. My greatest joy is sharing my knowledge, and with so many 5-Star reviews of my book, I created Achieve Academy to help those who want a structured, affordable active real estate income learning course. Students who have completed courses with other real estate educators have paid many times the price of mentorship, steadfastly vouching for the additional value no one else could or would teach them.
Online Video Lessons + Private FB Multifamily Investors Group (over 35,000 members) + Our powerful underwriting and due diligence software system!